Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Wonderful pics from Antarctica

Padre Sandosyn celebrando (un poco fresco).
Fr. Sandosyn celebrating - a little bit chilly!

Iglesia en continente Blanco (Church of the White Continent)

These photos are from Kathy Recicar.
They were sent to her by her friend in Argentina.

I could only praise God for such dedication
Fr. Sandosyn has for the Eucharist!
May our Lord shower upon him
blessings of joy, strength and peace
as he ministers to our brothers and sisters
in the coldest parts of Argentina!

A bit of history on Argentina

Full country name: República Argentina

Area: 2.77 million sq km
Population: 37.81 million
Capital City: Buenos Aires
People: 85% European descent, 15% mestizo, Indian and other minorities
Language: Quechua, Guarani, Araucanian, Spanish
Religion: 93% Roman Catholic, 2.5% Protestant, 2% Jewish, 1.5% Ukranian Catholic, 1% Armenian Orthodox
Government: republic
Country Profile

Thank you, Kathy, for sharing these lovely photos
with us!


EC Gefroh said...

You've got to admire a priest who is willing to celebrate Mass in those conditions. It made me cold just to look at the photos! God bless him.

Easter Almuena said...

Yes! Ha ha ha... me too. Boy, have you acclimated!
Thanks Esther!

Micki said...

Great photo....thanks for such a visual reminder. Even I, living in the Mid-West of the USA, cold and windy out right now, bless this beautiful priest celebrating the Mass outside with the snow and cold. We are so lucky to be able to be inside. Another blessing to thank HIM for....warmth.

OK, you in HI, are blessed all year temperature wise.

Easter Almuena said...

HA HA HA... Oh sweet Micki, you are so funny! What a joy to hear you say those words. Now I have to be silent and thank God for what I have. :-)

"See" you in your blog soon!