Saturday, January 24, 2009

Good news!

I am delighted to let you know that Fr. John Speekman has sent me his answers to interview questions I sent him awhile back. Fr. John runs a blog called Homilies and Reflections from Australia. He is currently on vacation. I am, mind you, quite honored that he took with him the interview questions so he could write the answers at a time when he should be snorkling, scuba diving, or laying out in the sun to get some tan. Thank you, Fr. John!

I would, however, like to do this right given the honor to post his answers here, so please bear with me. I am currently preparing for two major events I need to attend to with much urgency. Please come back in about two weeks to read his anwers. For the meantime, check out my last post on my blog, Mostly Prayers.

Mahalo to all!

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