Thursday, December 31, 2009

Message from Fr. Dan Kroger, O.F.M.

Fr. Dan Kroeger, O.F.M.
Publisher of St. Anthony Messenger Press
and Franciscan Communications

December, 2009: A Year-end Message from Father Dan:

"Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle. O Re del cielo..." "You go down from the stars, O King of Heaven..." This traditional Italian Christmas carol depicts the wondrous image of the infant Jesus descending from the heavens, to be born into poverty in the cold comfort of a stable. Did you know that, in 1223, St. Francis of Assisi, while at Grecchio, Italy, designed the first creche as a teaching aid, to educate the masses about the birth of Christ? We owe the popular Christmas creche tradition to the very practical needs of a saint.

In imitation of the first Franciscans, Sts. Francis, Clare and Anthony, we at St. Anthony Messenger Press are more committed to spreading the Gospel than ever. This year, St. Anthony Messenger magazine and our newsletters received 13 awards from the Catholic Press Association. Our books earned 14 awards. Our web site, has been largely re-designed, with easier navigation and news content that's updated daily. The site now serves 667,000 unique visitors monthly. Have you seen our profiles on Facebook and Twitter? Our mission is to engage those online communities in meaningful conversations about the Faith. You made Minute Meditations one of the most visited pages on our web site, so, in February, we launched it as an e-newsletter, inspiring over 7,000 subscribers each day.

As part of your year-end tax planning, would you consider remembering St. Anthony Messenger Press? Your tax-deductible donation in any amount helps us pay the costs of sending this e-newsletter.

Use our secure online donation form or you can mail a donation to Evangelization Fund, St. Anthony Messenger, 28 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, OH 45202. If you prefer, you can phone in a credit-card donation to our Evangelization Fund at (513) 241-5615 or, in the U.S., at 800-488-0488.

We wish you all the blessings of the Christmas season and the coming New Year as we celebrate the Lord in our midst.

Peace and good,
Fr. Dan Kroger, O.F.M.
Publisher, St. Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan Communications

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Homily by Msgr. Charles Pope

A reality check for everyday living, even this Christmas Season...

Listen to the funeral homily by Msgr. Charles Pope. Death talk on Christmas? Death is the beginning of the life everlasting to come to those who are faithful; it is the key to the resurrection of the living.

Visit Monsignor Charles Pope at the Archdiocese of Washington to read his latest post.

Thanks, Tina Mahar, for this post on Facebook!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fr. Ed Sousa saying Mass

Here's sharing with you Ed Sousa Sr.'s picture of his son, Fr. Ed Sousa, celebrating Mass in their home on Christmas Day.

Thank you, Ed, for sharing this picture with us! Having my own son say Mass in my home is a dream I hope to see in my own life someday.

But, of course, I'll take what God gives me. After all, we all possess the gift of priesthood. By virtue of baptism, my sons can exercise that gift in their marriage or single life.

Our God who knows best be praised!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

A joyful Christmas to one and all!

We especially greet our beloved priests a very Merry Christmas, from all of us who pray for you.

May your days of serving our High Priest, of being his ministerial representative, be filled with his joy and peace. May you always remain faithful to your vocation, and may you be surrounded by people who will help to keep the torch of Life and Light burning in you. This we ask in Jesus name, amen!

Mele Kalikimaka to you all!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Thank you for your patience, dear friends and loved ones. My blogs will be closed for the rest of the Advent season.

Please have special prayers for our priests this Advent and the coming Christmas. Mahalo!

I will be back after midnight Mass.

May you all have a joyful and blessed Advent. You can be assured of my prayers. Till then...