a lay's reponse to God's call to support our priests and those studying to become one
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thank you to our Priests!

Monday, November 8, 2010
In Honor of Christ the King, Most High Priest

Cristo Redentor statue on top of Corcovado, a mountain towering over Rio de Janeiro. In the background the Ipanema and Leblon beaches separate the lagoon from the Atlantic Ocean.
Source of pics: Wikipedia
A new statue of Jesus was built in Swiebodzin, Poland, which is smaller than Cristo Redentor, but stands more majestically as it wears a crown. I was amazed at the engineering of this statue and the efforts put into it by all those involved.
Created by Rev. Sylwester Zawadzki, a 78-year-old priest, says that it rises 108 feet, or 33 meters to signify the total number of years Jesus lived on earth. Including the mound where it stands, it rises 67 feet or 51 meters.
The Christ statue in Brazil's Rio is 125 feet or 38 meters tall.
Watch the final stages of completion of Christ the King statue in Poland:
Monday, November 1, 2010
What Kind of a Friend are You? By Fr. Bill Casey
Fr. Bill Casey presents friendship in the light of the gospel. What kind of a friend are you? What kind of a friend Jesus would like us to be?