Thursday, September 2, 2010

Archbishop Chaput Speaks Up

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput @Catholic Online

Proud to be a Catholic? If it means having to boast because Christ is one who establihed the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church then so be it.

He warned of the rise of 'inhuman humanism' and called for a Catholicism of Resistance

"We live in a time when the Church is called to be a believing community of resistance. We need to call things by their true names. We need to fight the evils we see. And most importantly, we must not delude ourselves into thinking that by going along with the voices of secularism and de-Christianization we can somehow mitigate or change things." -Archbishop Charles J. Chaput.

WASHINGTON, DC (Catholic Online) - I have long believed that Archbishop Charles J. Chaput is one of the preeminent Churchmen of our age. He calls all Catholics to live with what Pope Benedict XVI refers to as "moral coherence". This is not easy under the oppressive boot of what the same Pope called "the Dictatorship of Relativism." He challenges us to avoid what the Second Vatican Council called the "greatest error of our age...the separation between faith and life". His book "Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by living our Catholic beliefs in Political Life" is already a classic. It succinctly addresses the vital obligation of integrating our Catholic faith into our obligations of citizenship.

-Article written by Deacon Keith Fournier.

Read more on Catholic Online.

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